MTS Bank

At the end of January, an interview with Iskandar Tursunov, the Chairman of the Board of Octobank, was published on several platforms. While the interview’s substantive content is minimal, Tursunov, who is also the bank’s primary shareholder, seems to be attempting to counter the increasing negative attention surrounding Octobank.

At the end of September, two events occurred concerning Oktobank that will have far-reaching consequences. The first is that Iskandar Tursunov increased his share in Oktobank to 99.2%. The second is that Member of the European Parliament Adrian-George Axinia submitted an official inquiry to the European Commission regarding Oktobank’s involvement in circumventing anti-Russian sanctions.

После того, как Россия наглухо завязла в Украине, на нее посыпались международные санкции. Что бы там не говорили в самой России об их пользе, но, среди прочего, остро возник вопрос вывода из страны средств и легализации капиталов. Одним из путей стало использование банков бывших советских республик, особенно тех, кто полностью зависим от России.

As recently reported by a number of Telegram channels, Uzbek Octobank is used for the withdrawal and legalization of money from Russia.

Although the owner of the Uzbek Octobank is formally listed as the bank’s chairman of the board, Iskandar Tursunov, who owns 99.16% of the shares, in fact, the beneficiaries of Octobank are the family of the country’s current president, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
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