Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova

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Leogaming and international schemes: what’s behind Alyona Shevtsova’s Ibox Bank operations? 07 ноября 2024
Leogaming and international schemes: what’s behind Alyona Shevtsova’s Ibox Bank operations?

The persona of Alyona Shevtsova caught the public’s attention just three days ago when the National Bank of Ukraine decided to liquidate her "Ibox Bank," and law enforcement conducted searches at the bank.

Money laundering of drug cartels through iBox: how schemer Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova is linked to drug trafficking 24 октября 2024
Money laundering of drug cartels through iBox: how schemer Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova is linked to drug trafficking

Drug dealers selling drugs through "dead drops" have been accepting payments through iBox terminals for several years — it is now known why law enforcement agencies were aware of this but preferred not to intervene.

Money laundering of drug cartels through iBox: how schemer Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova is linked to drug trafficking 24 октября 2024
Money laundering of drug cartels through iBox: how schemer Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova is linked to drug trafficking

Drug dealers selling drugs through "dead drops" have been accepting payments through iBox terminals for several years — it is now known why law enforcement agencies were aware of this but preferred not to intervene.

Fraud and illegal casinos: How banker Oleksandr Sosis and Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova compete for the gambling market 23 октября 2024
Fraud and illegal casinos: How banker Oleksandr Sosis and Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova compete for the gambling market

When the loud sounds of battles in the suburbs of Kyiv died down and it became clear that the country would continue to exist, the temporarily silent ‘schemers’ began to become active again.

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